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Performance Monitoring

Beginning with the federal transportation bill, MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act), State departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) have been required to engage in performance-based planning, which includes tracking and developing targets for 27 federal performance measures.

State DOTs are required to establish targets (desired outcome) for each of the measures based on their respective 5-year rolling average. MPOs must within 180 days of their state(s) approving performance targets to establish targets by either:

  1. Agreeing to plan and program projects so that they contribute toward the accomplishment of the State DOT safety target for that performance measure; or
  2. Committing to a quantifiable target for that performance measure for their metropolitan planning area.

As a small MPO with data challenges, the LAPC Policy Board decided in 2017 to support its states’ (Wisconsin and Minnesota) targets. 

The federal performance measures include:

  • Five safety measures for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP):
    • Number of fatalities
    • Number of fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled
    • Number of serious injuries
    • Number of serious injuries per 100 million vehicle miles traveled
  • Six pavement (4) and bridge (2) condition measures for the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP):
    • Percentage of Interstate pavements in “good” condition
    • Percentage of Interstate pavements in “poor” condition
    • Percentage of non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) pavements in “good” condition
    • Percentage of non-Interstate NHS pavements in “poor” condition
    • Percentage of NHS bridges by deck area in “good” condition
    • Percentage of NHS bridges by deck area in “poor” condition
  • Three travel time reliability measures for the NHPP:
    • Percent of reliable person miles traveled on the Interstate
    • Percent of reliable person miles traveled on the non-Interstate NHS
    • Interstate truck travel time reliability index
  • Three congestion management measures for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program. As an attainment area (we have clean air!), these measures do not apply to the planning area for the LAPC.
  • Three transit asset management (TAM) measures:
    • Rolling stock: Percent of vehicles that have met or exceeded their useful life benchmark (ULB)
    • Equipment: Percent of non-revenue service vehicles that have met or exceeded their ULB)
    • Facilities: Percent of facilities rated below “3” on the TERM condition scale
  • Transit safety measures established in the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP):
    • Total number of reportable fatalities
    • Rate of reportable fatalities per total vehicle revenue miles
    • Total number of reportable injuries
    • Rate of reportable injuries per total vehicle revenue miles
    • Total number of reportable safety events
    • Rate of reportable safety events per total vehicle revenue miles
    • Average distance between major mechanical failures