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Organizational Structure



The LAPC is governed by a Policy Board that provides direction to and general oversight of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and its staff. The Policy Board is made up of representatives from local governments within our planning area that have opted to join the MPO. They include city mayors, village presidents, and town chairs from:

La Crosse County is also a member and is represented by the County Board Chair.

Member governments pay annual dues to support MPO functions and to provide matching funds for federal and state grants. La Crosse County does not pay dues because it provides administrative support to the LAPC as in-kind.

Member communities tend to be urbanized and urbanizing and benefit from the LAPC's urban programs. The more rural communities in the planning area are currently not members, however, they are eligible to join. These communities include the towns of Barre, Greenfield, and Hamilton in La Crosse County, WI and the townships of Dresbach and La Crescent in Winona County, MN and Houston County, MN, respectively.



The Policy Board oversees two staff--the Executive Director and Transportation Planner--and two advisory committees: Technical Advisory Committee and Committee on Transit and Active Transportation

LAPC Organizational Structure


Office and Staff


La Crosse County Administrative Center, 212 6th St N, Room 1600, La Crosse, WI 54601



Bob Gollnik, Executive Director
Phone: 608-785-5977
Email: [email protected]

Erin Duffer, AICP, Transportation Planner 
Phone: 608-785-5597
Email: [email protected]

Travis Key, Transportation Planner
Phone: 608-789-8548
Email: [email protected]