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Partner Agencies


As a bistate metropolitan planning organization, the LAPC works closely with many federal, state, and local agencies in Wisconsin and Minnesota to meet its planning functions and goals:

Partner Agency Planning Activities

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
La Crosse Corridor Studies

In December 2021, the Wisconsin Transportation Projects Commission approved the department to study new alternatives that address safety, congestion and maintain a state of good repair on US 53, WIS 35, and WIS 16 in La Crosse.​ The La Crosse study includes the follow roadways:

​​WIS 35: US 14/61 (South Ave) to US 53 (Rose St)
WIS 16: US 53 (4th St) to I-90
WIS 157: WIS 16 to I-90
US 53: WIS 35 (West Ave) to I-90

For more information and to get involved, please see the La Crosse Major Highway Project Environmental Study near the bottom of the Southwest Region Highway Projects and Studies page.

Connect 2050

Connect 2050 Logo

The WisDOT has completed its draft long-range transportation plan, Connect 2050, and is in the process of reviewing comments and preparing to finalize and adopt the plan. Click on the logo or the link to access the draft plan and additional information.

The WisDOT is also updating its Wisconsin Bicycle Transportation Plan and Wisconsin Pedestrian Policy Plan, which were adopted in 1998 and 2002, respectively, and combining them into the Wisconsin Active Transportation Plan 2050. The Active Transportation Plan will be a statewide long-range plan focused on human-powered modes of transportation, such as bicycling and walking. This plan will evaluate the state's active transportation opportunities and needs, resulting in policies and actions that will align with and further Connect 2050, Wisconsin’s statewide long-range transportation plan.

To participate in the update process, please go to WisDOT's Active Transportation Plan 2050 website and sign up for event notifications and other plan-related information.


Minnesota Department of Transportation
Minnesota Carbon Reduction Strategy (CRS) Engagement 

Minnesota receives approximately $20.9 million per year for the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), created through the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). MnDOT is creating a Carbon Reduction Strategy (CRS) to inform how the CRP funds will be allocated and prioritized. 

Click here for: MnDOT's CRS Engagement Presentation.

They are looking for your feedback! You may fill out the survey with two ways to join: click the link here https://www.menti.com/blg3ktqcra8q or by visiting Menti.com and entering the Code: 9407 1221. The Menti survey will close on June 23, 2023. 

For more information about MnDOT's CRS, visit the link here.

Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP)

MnDOT completed the first round of public engagement for the 20-Year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) update in Fall of 2022. During the first round of public engagement, Minnesota state highway users provided their priorities for spending on the state highway system over the next 20 years. MnDOT used that information to develop a draft investment direction that will guide future investment decisions to maintain and improve the state highway system.

They are looking for your feedback! Through early May, they'll be connecting with Minnesotans and transportation partners to get feedback on the draft state highway investment direction and to tell them what types of improvements you’d fund if additional revenue were available.

There are several ways to participate:

Minnesota 2022-2041 Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan

Minnesota GO logo 358w

SMTP Overview

Updated every five years, the SMTP is the highest policy plan for transportation in Minnesota. It outlines objectives, performance measures, strategies and actions to help advance MnDOT’s vision of a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the health of people, the environment and our economy over the next 20 years. The document is a statewide policy plan for all users, all modes and any jurisdiction that has a role in Minnesota’s transportation system.

The 2022-2041 updated SMTP is a result of a two-and-a-half-year collaboration with the public, stakeholders and partners. Engagement involved more than 6,500 interactions with Minnesotans including surveys, forums, listening sessions, presentations and opportunities to attend community events.