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Zoning and Land Information


GIS Frequently Asked Questions

Are County maps available to download or printed maps for purchase?

Currently there are no pdf maps for download, but large format county maps are available for purchase in our office. Custom maps are also available for order using the digital order form.


Does the County Land Information Department sell platbooks?

No, but they are available for purchase in the UW Extension Office.


Is County GIS data available for download for free or purchase?

Currently the County does not have the capability for users to download datasets directly. Select spatial data is available free from the State of Wisconsin Data site or if what you are interested in is not available there it can be ordered from the County along with tabular data for a nominal fee using the digital order form.


Where can I find information about or maps of a specific property?

Using the GIS Interactive Parcel Viewer, search for your parcels(s) and then click on it. The pop-up will have owner, assessment, school district, lot/parcel size and value information along with a link to tax information website.


Why do my property lines appear to be in the wrong place in the Interactive Parcel Viewer?

There may be more than one reason why the parcels lines do not line up with the imagery in the mapping applications. The reasons include but are not limited to imagery alignment, survey ties or original plot map alignment. Most of the lines are accurate to approximately 3 feet. To find your actual property lines, you should locate a recorded survey map of your property or contact a professional surveyor


I recently bought or sold a property, why isn’t the ownership or parcel information updated on the Interactive Parcel Viewer?

The information displayed by the Interactive Parcel Viewer is limited to the current tax billing year only. For this reason, information about recent land sales may not be available for several months after the transaction has been completed.


How can I find out where a parcel lots lines are located?

If you are looking for the general location of your lot lines, a good place to start is looking at an aerial photo of your property in one of the mapping applications on the County GIS website. There are multiple ways to search for your property (owner name, parcel ID, address) choose the method that works best for you. Here are instructional videos on how to use the web mapping applications.

If you need to know exactly where your property lines are, the best way to find out is by contacting a local surveyor to further assist you with location and marking the location of your property lines. Here is a list of area surveyors.


How do I get an address for my property?

An address will be assigned when Zoning issues a permit for a new home or driveway. Once an address is assigned, the township will order a physical sign to place on site. Until an address is assigned use the tax parcel number or legal description for the property.


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